Our Process // The Mills
Milling a One-of-a-Kind
Wood Product
After a century growing in the forest and three years of aging in our Spalt Thicket, our fully spalted logs must pass another round of quality control testing. We use only the most beautiful and high-quality cuts of each log to guarantee a one-of-a-kind end product.
The latest test passed, the logs are now ready to be milled into the paper-thin sheets of veneer.
The team at the veneer mill, like everyone in our production chain, takes great pride in their work and treats each slice as the piece of art it is, knowing they are the crucial final creators. Whether adjusting the angle of the precision blades on the slicer or slightly cooling the temperature in the wood drier, the mill team respects that they are the last link in a century-long process.
Together we have created the world’s first production line of spalted maple veneer. Not through luck or serendipity but through years of research, respect for nature’s own processes, and some good ol’ fashioned Yankee ingenuity.
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