Giovanna Sassi, MSc, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer


Giovanna is a mycologist with Vermont Wildwoods and plant disease research associate with the department of Plant and Soil Science at the University of Vermont.

Dr. Sassi is interested in the evolution of plant-microbe interactions and the contributions of root symbioses to regenerative agriculture, sustainable forestry and enhanced plant health amidst the challenges imposed by climate change.

At Vermont Wildwoods, she assesses the developmental progression of wood-decay fungi in response to environmental cues and is standardizing protocols for inducing desirable spalting patterns of Vermont hardwood species in aging chambers.

At UVM, she studies the genetic basis of hops and hemp disease resistance, metabolite synthesis and the genomic diversity between domesticated and wild plant populations using comparative bioinformatics, pathogenicity assays, tissue culture and field assessments with aims to improve crop sustainability through breeding.

Giovanna has recently started triathlon training in Shelburne Vermont, enjoys outdoor hikes and camping with her young family, mushroom picking and cooking up a storm for friends and neighbors. She volunteers in her Shelburne community as a Cub Scout Leader and helper with Race Vermont.