Paper Backed Veneer Sheets
Our paper-backed spalted maple veneer combines natural spalted maple with added stability and flexibility. Each sheet is created by splicing veneer leaves into a pleasing match pattern that is then bonded to a backer. At Vermont Wildwoods we offer a variety of backers for you to choose from. The backing helps prevent cracking and warping, making the veneer suitable for cabinetry, furniture, wall paneling, and custom projects.
Size: 4’ x 8’, 8’ x 4’, and custom sizing is available upon request.
Backer Type: 10 Mil, 20 Mil, or Allwood are available.
Match Pattern: Random Match, Book Match, and Book and Swing
Order Information
In-Store Inventory Lead Time: 2 weeks
Custom Order Lead Time: 4-6 weeks
Order Minimum for Custom Orders: None - See shop to browse available inventory
Country of Origin: United States
State of Origin: Vermont
Price: Inquire for pricing
Shipping: Customer is responsible for shipping cost.
Veneer Appearance
Acceptable Visual Features: Veneer may contain occasional insect burrow, visual evidence of historic maple sugaring tap hole, mineral streaks, small bark pockets, no open defects larger than a dime, and no open cracks wider than 1/16” Advise customer to purchase 40% more material than the project needs to account for trimming.
Random Match Appearance: Standard random blend shall contain a mix of heavy, medium, and light spalting characteristics.