Our Process // Spalting
The Science of Spalting

Our maple logs are aged for up to three years in the Spalt Thicket. Mimicking the complex natural systems that occur on the forest floor - the Spalt Thicket is a combination of rocky soil and a unique sense of terroir to the wood as science and nature work together to perform the alchemist's feat of intentional spalting.
Our aging process harnesses the awesome power of interconnected natural systems - to create stunning works of natural art with this wood. Once we feel that the logs have become fully spalted and nature’s designs are fully realized, they are ready to be sent to the mill.
Like a perfect loaf of sourdough bread or an incredible cheese, spalted wood is the result of an alchemical process of digestion and decay, which results in something vastly more beautiful than the sum of its parts.
Mimicking the complex systems that occur on the forest floor, our proprietary aging process initiates and expedites the spalting process.
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